Trade Terms Optimization (1)

Did you know that big companies can easily fund the acquisition of smaller players by simply applying the preferential pricing conditions they receive from suppliers to their newly acquired business?

How fair and consistent is your discount policy? Are you potentially exposed when some of your customers would merge?

I can help you in putting the right structured pricing and trade terms framework in place, in order to limit your future exposure. Get in touch with me, I welcome your briefing, I am confident that I can help you as I have done it before. There is a lot of value to be captured.


Trade Terms Optimization (2)

According to a recent study of a well-known consultancy agency, most buyers are incentivized on negotiating higher discount rates.

So, are your Key Account Managers forced to give year-over-year more discounts? How problematic is your annual discount drift? And are you getting in return additional business, as a counterpart?

I can help you in putting the right structured pricing and trade terms framework in place, in order to reduce your discount drift and ensuring being rewarded with the right counterparts. Get in touch with me, I welcome your briefing, I am confident that I can help you as I have done this before. There is a lot of value to be captured.

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