Pricing strategy and Price setting

According to a recent study of a well-known marketing agency, most manufacturers struggle to capture the true willingness to pay for their brands and products, hence creating a big opportunity by closing the gap between the net price and the true willingness to pay.

Is your recommended retail selling price truly value-based and connected to reality? Have you ever considered the application of Smart Pricing? Is your Brand Price Positioning also implemented or is it just another slide in a PowerPoint? Do you know the price elasticity of all your SKUs?

I can help you to design the right pricing strategy and SKU price setting to capture maximum value out of your brand equity. Get in touch with me, I welcome your briefing, I am confident that I can help, as I have done this before. There is a lot of value to be captured.


Passing on a price increase

According to a recent study of a well-known consultancy agency, manufacturers achieve on average not more than 20% of the announced price increase.

What is the retention rate of your price increase? Do you have the commercial power to offset raw material cost increases?

I can help you to design the right approach and help you to train and to coach your Key Account Managers to go far beyond the average price increase retention rate of 20%. Get in touch with me, I welcome your briefing, I am confident that I can help, as I have done this before. There is a lot of value to be captured.


International pricing

Did you know that our 4 neighboring countries are the 4 biggest export countries in Europe?

And as the internet brings more and more transparency on pricing differences between countries, is your local business exposed to import at lower prices? How consistent are your price levels across Europe? You don’t have to sit and watch your sales targets to be missed.

I have managed this kind of issues successfully. Get in touch with me, I welcome your briefing and I am confident that I can help, as I have done this before. There is a lot of value to be captured.



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