Pricing Insights

Being capable at managing your price level starts with having the right pricing insights.

I have built for senior management, for pricing experts as well as for sales & marketing teams, appropriate pricing dashboards, either to create pricing awareness or to facilitate pricing decision making. These weekly or monthly or quarterly dashboards can contain both internal pricing KPIs as well as external market pricing KPIs.

Do you have the right pricing insights? Are you fully aware of your internal and external pricing performance? I can help you to build these insights.

Pricing Process

Who takes pricing decisions in your company? In case it is Sales, who is challenging them? In case it is Finance or Marketing, are these decisions disconnected from market reality and can these be easily implemented?

How well is the pricing decision making process integrated into your overall 3-year planning and annual planning process? I can help you to design a solid pricing process that is integrated into your other planning processes. Without this integration, pricing decisions have often little buy-in and are hard to implement.

Pricing Organization

Do you need a pricing team? What level of seniority is required for the pricing team leader? Which capabilities and skills set are needed? Where do reporting lines go? Do you need a central steering or how de-central is your team? All good and important questions. I can help you to set-up the right organization, with the right plan to build capabilities, the appropriate seniority levels, and reporting lines. I have done this several times.

Pricing Tools

Maybe you expect me pleading here for a big, solid, integrated pricing tool, with a big capex investment.

Well, no! At AB InBev Western Europe and at Goodyear EMEA, we made the biggest pricing improvements without the expensive tools. First, you need to have your strategy and your process right and aligned. Only then, it makes sense to install a solid pricing tool. The tool is needed to ensure your process does not get broken or short-cut. But remember: the deployment of a tool is deemed to fail if there is no buy-in to the strategy and to the process. Your pricing journey to excellence never starts with the tool, the tool comes at the end.

I can help. At the start: I have made simple excel tools to start and get going and pick the low hanging fruit first). And I can help at the end: I have deployed, with my team, the full Vendavo solution, all 3 modules, across 30 countries, involving 100+ users, 15.000+ SKUs, and 12.000+ customers.


Pricing Training

Capability building means also training.

As part of your journey to pricing excellence, your pricing team might need to be trained, on a specific aspect of pricing. I can create and give this expert training (usually 2 days). 

To create an organization-wide understanding and buy-in to the overall companies pricing strategy, I can also train your broader Sales and/or Marketing teams (typically 1-day training in house).

Don't hesitate to get in touch with me to find out more details.